Science A-Z Unit Nonfiction Books provide informational text at multiple reading levels to help all students be successful in the content area of science. These nonfiction science books at three reading levels provide a broad foundation for each Science A-Z instructional unit, ensuring that students learn important core ideas and crosscutting concepts.
Unit Nonfiction Books serve as a springboard into a deeper understanding of the unit content. These big ideas of science are essential to building an understanding about the world. Each reading level conveys similar concepts, images, features, and vocabulary.
Unit Nonfiction Books provide a broad introduction to key concepts commonly covered in state and national science standards. By providing three reading levels (low , mid , and high ) of every Unit Nonfiction Book, Science A-Z ensures students can access important science content at a developmentally appropriate level to meet those standards.
How to Use Unit Nonfiction Books
Assign students to read the Unit Nonfiction Book closest to their developmentally appropriate reading level in the grade range. Books may be read as a whole class, in small reading groups, or independently.
Use the Nonfiction Book Teacher's Guide that accompanies each set of three nonfiction science books for before, during, and after reading instruction:
Activities center on a targeted reading strategy and comprehension skill similar to guided reading lesson plans on Reading A-Z.
Each lesson contains general instructions that apply to all books in the set and modifications for specific levels.
Lessons also contain text-dependent discussion questions and assessment options to ensure students at each reading level understand the science content they have read.
Assess students' understanding with Book Quizzes for each level of the Unit Nonfiction Book. Quizzes help you identify which science concepts and reading comprehension skills might need additional instruction. Discussion Cards also can help you assess students' understanding or provide a way to extend the text through a collaborative discussion.
Unit Nonfiction Book Formats
Unit Nonfiction Books are available in various formats, in both English and Spanish.
Printable Books, for use in class or to send home with students, can be printed in color or black and white, using single-sided or double-sided printing.
Projectable Books integrate technology with your science instruction by providing books in a format that makes them easy to use with digital projectors and interactive white boards. You can use the built-in tools provided by Learning A-Z to mark up projected books while conducting lessons.
eBooks give students the opportunity to independently read science content online — anywhere they have an Internet connection — through Kids A-Z. Built-in eBook tools and features allow students to record themselves reading, hear their recording, and annotate pages as they read to help them practice fluency and comprehension skills while learning science content.