Next Generation Science Standards* Tips
Resource Correlations to Help Students Meet National Standards
Three Key Components
Help students be successful with:- Science and Engineering Practices
- Disciplinary Core Ideas
- Crosscutting Concepts
Resources from Science A-Z align with the Next Generation Science Standards* to help prepare students to satisfy the expectations outlined in these national curriculum criteria. Students use a wide variety of resources in a Science A-Z unit to develop experience with the practices of science and engineering, while exploring the core ideas of each science unit and learning how concepts from the different domains of science are related. Many new resources added to Science A-Z take a three-dimensional approach to science instruction by integrating practices, core ideas, and concepts -- the three key components of these standards -- into a single lesson. Storylines are comprehensive learning experiences that incorporate all three dimensions into a series of phenomenon-driven lessons.
Use either of the options below to browse correlation charts or visit the NGSS page to see resources organized by NGSS topic.
Download the specific grade-band charts that list units and selected best-fit resources from Science A-Z. The Kindergarten-Middle School (K-MS) summary identifies the Science A-Z units best aligned with the standards at each grade level.
Search by grade level and standard to view, and if desired download, resources related to each standard.