Science A-Z STEM Connections
Resources that Introduce Students to Important STEM Concepts and Skills
Science A-Z provides resources to help introduce students to important concepts and skills in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
By using the many reading resources on Science A-Z, students develop scientific literacy and learn how technology, engineering, and math are integrated with science. Then, as students participate in inquiry-based, hands-on or virtual projects and investigations, they are challenged to think critically, collaborate, and communicate as they construct explanations and design solutions just as scientists, engineers, and other STEM professionals do. All of these varied experiences are intended to inspire students to take more STEM coursework in later school years and consider STEM-related careers after graduation.
STEM Careers
- Science A-Z Career Files explain the skills, education, and training required for many STEM-related careers, as well as the scientific and engineering practices and concepts used in other careers. Look for the STEM icon to identify which areas of STEM are most relevant to each career.
- Have students choose from the Scientist and Inventor Cards to learn about historical and contemporary figures who have made significant contributions to the world of science and engineering. Each card's STEM icon shows the relationship of each contributor's work to STEM fields.
- Take students on virtual field trips to see STEM professionals in action by showing Science Videos on Science A-Z. These videos also help students visualize content related to Science A-Z instructional units.
STEM Practices
- Students engage in scientific research and discourse to answer a key science question in Investigation Packs and they design solutions to a science or engineering problem in Project-Based Learning Packs. Both sets of resources from Science A-Z integrate science, technology, engineering, math, and language arts. Students work in groups using STEM practices to dig deeper into the content.
- Process Activities, Science Fair Resources, and the back-cover activities in FOCUS Books give students authentic experiences in which they learn to think, write, speak, and behave as real scientists or engineers. Students engage in a cycle of inquiry to identify problems, ask questions, design experiments or projects, gather evidence, solve problems, and communicate outcomes.
- While completing Interactive Science Lessons, students explore, practice, and demonstrate their understanding of important science and engineering concepts. These fun, engaging lessons stimulate students' interest in STEM ideas and enhance their experience with visual and interactive online media.
- Students learn to research, communicate opinions, support opinions with evidence, and consider other points of view using Science A-Z Debates, which support the STEM practice of scientific argumentation.
- With Science A-Z's Science Diagrams, students learn the important STEM practice of reading and interpreting visual devices that illustrate complex science concepts.
- Science A-Z Storylines allow students to engage in science and engineering practices similar to those used by working scientists and engineers. The practices challenge students to make sense of phenomena and design solutions to problems.