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Please be advised that Science A-Z only correlates the FOSS modules with Science A-Z units. The FOSS Program is a trademark of Delta Education. Science A-Z is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored in any way by Delta Education.
The tables below demonstrate how Science A-Z content correlates to the Full Option Science System (FOSS) modules
from the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California at Berkeley and Delta Education.
The correlations show how Science A-Z units can supplement certain FOSS science modules or how FOSS science
modules can supplement Science A-Z units.
Science A-Z units deliver science content and multilevel literacy materials for both teachers and students
organized by the four primary science domains: Life Science, Earth and Space Science, Physical Science,
and Process Science. Each unit provides students with opportunities to read, write, discuss, think about,
and practice science in multiple ways, thus making Science A-Z resources highly valuable complements to the
FOSS modules while contributing to a deeper understanding of important science concepts.