Earth's Movements and What We See in the Sky

Earth's Movements and What We See in the Sky

Grade 1 - Space Systems: Patterns and Cycles

In this Storyline, students develop an understanding of when the Sun, Moon, and stars are visible and how they appear to move across the sky. They model each of these patterns of movement to explore how Earth rotates, how the Moon orbits Earth, and how Earth and the Moon orbit the Sun. Then students investigate the variation in the length of daytime during different seasons and learn that patterns can be used to predict the length of daytime over the course of a year.


Anchoring Phenomenon

Seasonal Daylight Patterns

One Full Day Animation (no audio) - Science Video

Objects in the Sky Data Sheet

Objects in the Sky Assessment

Earth from Space (no audio) - Science Video

Modeling the Earth, Moon, and Sun - Process Activity

Days and Moon Phases Interactive Science Lesson, Part 1

Interactive Science Lesson

Days and Moon Phases Interactive Science Lesson, Part 3

Interactive Science Lesson

Patterns of the Moon - Science Video

Days, Nights, Months, and Years - Science Video

Earth and Moon Motion Assessment

Graph Paper Template

Seasons and Sunlight - FOCUS Book

Seasonal Daylight Patterns Reference Pictures

Length of Daytime Assessment

End of Storyline

Book Assembly