© Hannu Viitanen/Hemera/Thinkstock
Solids, Liquids, and Gases
All things on Earth consist of matter, and matter exists in many forms. The most common states of matter are solids, liquids, and gases. This unit addresses how matter can change from one state to another. Matter in each state has identifiable properties. The unit also explains that when matter combines, a mixture may form. The components of that mixture may retain their individual properties when combined, or the mixture may have new properties. What allows us to have so many different things all around us is that matter can be found in various states, and it combines with other matter in many ways.
Overview Resources
- Unit Guide
- Unit Resource List
- NGSS Correlations Chart
- Solids, Liquids, and Gases Unit Roadmaps
Unit Nonfiction Books
Lesson Resources
- Nonfiction Book Teacher's Guide
- Discussion Cards
- Blank Discussion Cards
Interactive Science Lessons
Changing States of Matter
Process Activities
Supporting Materials
Investigation Packs
- Complete Investigation Pack
- Investigation Pack Teacher's Guide
- I.File Response Sheet
- I. Files Teaching Tips
Mystery File
Science Fair Resources