Space Systems: Patterns and Cycles

Using the Science A-Z resources below will help students develop proficiency in Disciplinary Core Ideas, engage in Science and Engineering Practices, and recognize Crosscutting Concepts as they build toward fulfilling one or more of the grade 1 Performance Expectations related to Space Systems: Patterns and Cycles.

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Earth & Space

Earth, Moon, and Sun

Modeling the Earth, Moon, and Sun - Process Activity

NGSS Codes: 1-ESS1-1

How Does a Lunar Eclipse Work? - Science Video

NGSS Codes: 1-ESS1-1


The Weather - Nonfiction Book

NGSS Codes: 1-ESS1-2

Earth's Seasons - Science Diagram

NGSS Codes: 1-ESS1-2

Earth & Space

Clouds, Wind, and Storms