Life Cycles and Traits of Living Things

Life Cycles and Traits of Living Things

Grade 3 - Inheritance and Variation of Traits: Life Cycles and Traits

In this Storyline, students develop an understanding of life cycles by investigating and comparing plant and animal life cycles, as well as identifying similar patterns in all life cycle models. They observe and analyze patterns of traits between parents and offspring and investigate variation of traits among individuals of the same species. Students then explore the environment's influence on the traits of living things and how the variation of traits within a species may provide advantages for survival.


Anchoring Phenomenon

See Lesson Plan

The Mermaid's Purse - FOCUS Book

Mealworm Life Cycles - Process Activity

Life Cycles of Edible Plants - Process Activity

Life Cycle of a Dandelion - Science Diagram

Life Cycle of a Butterfly - Science Diagram

Life Cycle of a Frog - Science Diagram

Comparing Life Cycles - Science Video

Life Cycles Assessment

Inherited Traits - Process Activity

Inheriting Stripes - FOCUS Book

How a Flower Gets Its Color - FOCUS Book

Parents and Offspring Assessment

Inherited Traits - Process Activity

Inherited Traits Assessment

Arctic Hare Reference Pictures

Phototropism - Process Activity

Arctic Hare Activity Sheet

Hot and Cold Reptiles - FOCUS Book

Traits and the Environment Assessment

Black Bears Reference Pictures

The Curious Case of the Peppered Moth - FOCUS Book

Clever Camouflage - FOCUS Book

Variation of Traits Assessment

End of Storyline

Book Assembly