Weather Around the World

Weather Around the World

Grade 3 - Weather and Climate

In this Storyline, students develop an understanding of daily and yearly weather patterns by collecting and analyzing weather data and using that data to make predictions. They learn about climate zones and how an area's location on Earth affects its climate. They research severe weather, including where it happens around the world and its effect on people, and then apply this understanding to design a solution aimed at reducing the impact of a weather-related hazard.


Anchoring Phenomenon

Anchoring Phenomenon File

Weather Data Reference Picture

Weather and Climate Interactive Science Lesson, Part 1

Interactive Science Lesson

Cloud Types - Science Diagram

Weather Patterns Assessment


Four Seasons Reference Pictures

Climate Comparison Data Table

Weather and Climate Interactive Science Lesson, Part 2

Interactive Science Lesson

Graph Paper Template

Seasons Assessment


Hurricane Survival - Science Video

Blizzards Reading A-Z Leveled Book

Hurricanes Reading A-Z Leveled Book

Tornadoes Reading A-Z Leveled Book

Floods Reading A-Z Leveled Book

Cause and Effect - Nonfiction Graphic Organizer

Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning - Nonfiction Graphic Organizer

Hurricane Hunters - Science Video

Weather Hazards Assessment


World Map Science Diagram

Weather and Climate Interactive Science Lesson, Part 3

Interactive Science Lesson

Weather and Climate Interactive Science Lesson, Part 4

Interactive Science Lesson

Seasons and Climate - FOCUS Book

Expedition Zero Reading A-Z Leveled Book

Expedition 25: The Subtropics Reading A-Z Leveled Book

Expedition 40: The Secret of the Seasons Reading A-Z Leveled Book

Expedition 60: The Subarctic Reading A-Z Leveled Book

Climate Zones Assessment


Storm Shelter Reference Picture

Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning - Nonfiction Graphic Organizer

Solving Weather Hazards Assessment


End of Storyline

Book Assembly