Living Things and the Places Where They Live

Living Things and the Places Where They Live

Grade K - Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems: Animals, Plants, and Their Environment

In this Storyline, students develop an understanding of what plants and animals, including people, need to survive and how they get what they need from the places where they live. Students apply their knowledge to propose ways of protecting living things and their habitats.


Anchoring Phenomenon

Desert Ecosystem Picture Book

Pond Ecosystem Assessment


Plants, Water, and Sunlight - Process Activity

Plants Seeking Light - Science Video

What Plants Need Assessment


Animals of the Rivers - FOCUS Book

Living Things Change Their Environment Assessment


The Forest - Reading A–Z Book

Forest Ecosystem Picture Book

Comparing Ecosystems Assessment


People Use Land and Water Concept Book

People Change the Environment Assessment


Lesson 6

Helping the Environment Assessment


End of Storyline

Book Assembly